Catholics like to boast about them being the oldest church so that must make them right. Do we say the same thing about a rotten old egg? Believe you me, the Catholics would refine and resign that old egg so that it would smell delicious. They specialize in redesigning words and concepts to make them say what they want them to say. It’s rather amazing to behold but they actually dwell in Imagination Land.

There they create and recreate everything under the sun. This will be my last new post until about November 9th. The computer needs some work. Keep your comments coming as I will answer them all as soon as my computer returns. I will have two repeats daily until I return.

Do you know that I have it in good authority that the Catholics are about to designate Mr. Keebler the Cardinal of cash! It’s been said that he’s rolling in dough!

Rabbi Kahn or Con?

Rabbi Jonathan Kahn is a frequent guest on the Jim Bakker Show which should tell you something right there. Why is Kahn among a whole host of modern day prophets predicting either the Rapture or the 2nd coming of Christ when the Bible says only God knows? Why all the endless speculation? When it arrives you should be ready for it! Kahn preps with a lot of signs for Jews do request a lot of signs according to 1 Corinthians 1:22.

Most people detest unanswered questions and that gives rise to speculations. The only one that has the answer is God. Were only admonished to WATCH. And that only to Jewish believers.


Exposing error is difficult especially when friends are involved. I’m about to go into a in-depth study on Roman Catholicism even though I have friends that are Catholics. Proverbs says, train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. It also works in the reverse way. Train up a child in the way they should NOT go and when they are old they will not depart from it. When people suffer under error for many years it is very difficult for them to come out of it. I know a woman who was in Mormonism for over 20 years but she is now safely out and ministering to Mormons to try to get them out. I once witnessed to a friend who was a homosexual. I went through every Biblical scripture dealing with homosexuality at a public restaurant with him. Abruptly, he stood up saying, if I can’t be a homosexual I might as well kill myself. At that point the Holy Spirit directed me to say nothing more. From that day forth I began to pray for him. 6 months later he called me on the phone and told me he was delivered from homosexuality and now he was using the same method I used on him to get others out of homosexuality. Praise the Lord. His Spirit works. Now this man uses scripture as a Healer. Confronting error is difficult especially where friends are involved.If I fail to warn people then I really don’t care for that person very much. Love means involvement. I would rather lose a friend by warning them than to continue a friendship without trying to help him. Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.

2nd Chronicles and the Big IF

If is the little big word. Again the audience must be brought into the question as well. Who is the author speaking to? The answer is simple and that is Israel.

Can an application be made to the church? Absolutely but this scripture was not given to the church. Paul said that all scripture is given for our learning. Learning but not our Doctrine. The doctrine of the church if found in Romans through Philemon. This text of scripture is directly applicable to the heart condition of Israel. If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their Wicked Ways THEN will I hear from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land. I called this text of scripture the if-then syndrome. There are four preconditions to that IF before the THEN can be acted upon. How would you be handling this verse?