Moderate Muslims- 2

How do moderate Muslims accept the above graphic?Do moderate Muslims except the word of this Islamic leader?Do modern Muslims accept this? Are moderate Muslims peaceful?Is Chrislam acceptable to moderate Muslims? How would you exactly Define moderate as it relates to Islam? The psalmist says, their words were smoother than butter but in their heart they were drawn swords. Is this what moderate Muslims believe? The comment line is open for discussion.

Moderate Muslims- 1

Have you ever asked yourself what a moderate Muslim is? One thing I would like to know from a Muslim, by the way of a comment, where does the collection money go from mosques that preach peace? How do moderate Muslims relate to the Koran? And why would any Mideast Muslim desire to live under Sharia law? If you want to live under that type of law, why not remain in the Mideast where it is practiced? I hope I get some moderate Muslim responses to these questions. The floor is open.

Pagan Land View on Limbo and Purgatory

Shall we examine a comparison of Roman Catholicism and mythology? When a Catholic dies the angel of death takes him to the pearly gates. Saint Peter, still not knowing the gospel, sends him to purgatory. I’m the gatekeeper of the pearly gates. I let others in but not myself? I wonder why? In purgatory he is judged. At the Bema Seat of Christ where all in the body of Christ go we are told what crowns we shall receive. The Catholic version is similar to the Pagan version. Remember Satan did say in Isaiah 14:14: I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH. By the way, there is no mention of the Great White Throne Judgment here. Oh well, that is scriptural.