Grace and Works: A Contradiction? NO- 1

For the body of Christ it is Grace Plus NOTHING. Some believe this is a contradiction with the book of James. Here is a verse from James.

James says faith without works is dead. Is there a contradiction? Absolutely not! How can that be? Ephesians 2:8 says, NOT OF WORKS lest any man should boast. But James says, faith without works is dead. On the surface it does appear to be a contradiction but the word of God does not contradict itself. What most people do not realize is that Paul was writing to the body of Christ and James was writing to Israel. How do I know this to be true? Let’s examine James 1:1.

James was writing to the 12 tribes of Israel scattered among the Nations and that is not the body of Christ. The Twelve Tribes relates directly to Israel not the body of Christ. Israel or Judaism more precisely believes in a works salvation as does the Mormon church and the Restored Church of God. The latter Church believe that America is Ephraim and that they are spiritual Israel which opens up on another whole can of worms. About the Apostle Paul Who is the Apostle to the Gentiles or the body of Christ says it is grace alone that saves. But Ephesians 2:8 is not the only evidence of grace alone and not it works text as we shall see in part 2 of the series.

Is David C Pack Really an Apostle?

Do you think Pastor Pack is prideful? Is what he teaches biblical? Is he biblical claiming to be an apostle? Is he biblical claiming to be Elijah? Or is he the crackpot jackpot? This attached article May shed some light on the subject.restored Church of God Comments are always welcome.