Mormon Mayhem Doctrine

According to Mormon Doctrine the Holy Spirit today is on probation. The Mormons also believe that a Holy Spirit did not beget Jesus Christ. They believe that God had sex with Mary instead. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit overshadowed Christ. The Bible also says that God is Spirit and those that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.

These are Mormon leaders who believed that God had sex with Mary including former presidential candidate Mitt Romney. Did you know that Mormons believe that Satan is the brother of Jesus Christ? Did you know that obedient Mormons in the afterlife will have their own planet with spirit children that will worship and pray to them? What utter blasphemy!

Catholic Coverup of Sexual Molestation Persists

Examine how many times this priest was moved around. The church is as guilty as the rest because they have suppressed unrighteousness in their coverup. How many priests and bishops knew about the molestations but continued to pass offenders around. This is the point Father Larry was trying to make. He was honest about his silent approval. But he still has nightmares about his lack of action.This involves homosexuality which continues in seminaries around the world. Silent approval must end in the RCC.What Can Catholics do? I’ve tried recontacting Mary but all I hear on that Line is rock music.

Priest Confesses Foreknowledge of Sexual Abuse

My name is Father Larry and that is as far as I will go in that regard. I am presently serving as a priest in a small village in Central America. I am now content and happy but the nightmares are still there. As a seminarian in New York several of friends were involved in molestation with preteen boys. I knew But said nothing. One of my instructors who I confronted told me to mind my own business. That priest also knew but said nothing. My best friend told me that he enjoyed having sex with Boys because the church would protect them if caught. I was never considered attractive and I thank God daily for that. I was there to learn about my faith and not this horrible stuff. I am still haunted by one little boys eyes after coming out of my priests bedroom. He was begging for help and I did nothing. For years I heard screams but said and did nothing. There were so many sexually active seminarians where I was and a great many teachers too. Even though I’m now free from all that horror I’m still having nightmares about what I knew but until now I have said nothing. I love the Catholic Church But I’m dumbfounded how our leadership are hoping this will just go away. Confession is supposed to be good for the soul. In all I have kept silent on close to 30 fellow Catholics. My best friend was transferred four times by the church. I will never understand that. I was just as bad knowing what was done and saying nothing. Help me Jesus!

Should THIS Really Come as any Surprise?

Should what is happening today come as any surprise to the body of Christ? Murders, abortions, degrading homosexuality and transgenderism, rampant use of drugs, unrestrained anger, and civil unrest are all signs of the apostasy which has plagued our country. Many people are looking for a great Revival of the church but where in scripture is that talked about prior to the man of sin coming on the scene? It’s not a Revival but an apostasy. Just examine when it’s happening in the church! False teaching abounds. Congregations have become biblically illiterate. Jeremiah 5:30-31 describes this time perfectly. An astonishing and horrible thing has been committed in the land. The prophets prophesied falsely, the priests rule by their own power, and my people love to have it so. Just look at the problems in the Roman Catholic Church with their child molestation scandal. The United Church of Christ and the Presbyterian Church USA among others have sold out to homosexuality. California is trying to ban the sale of Bibles on the internet. The Temple of Baal’s Archway stands in New York City’s Central Park. How can America expect God’s blessing on this country when they flaunt him at every turn? We are presently In the Falling Away. Even Jesus knew that when he said, when the son of man comes will he find faith on the Earth? Given all this where is the Revival of the church? The church instead is falling into rank apostasy. The rapture is at hand. Be ready!

Cussing Pastor

This is Doyle Davidson of Plano, Texas, and the lead pastor of Water of Life Ministries. He is often drunk when he preaches and uses foul language. He reminds me of a Catholic priest by the name of Father John from the Bronx. Father John cussed a great deal himself. Here is the Video on Pastor Davidson as he talks about God giving him another mans wife who he labels a slut. I think he came out from the Catholic Church.

Jimmy Swaggert- I HAVE SINNED

How many people remember Jimmy Swaggerts plea for forgiveness in 1988? Having an affair with a prostitute should have denied him the pulpit forever. He could still teach after being restored, but not preach. The key point is would Swaggert resign his pulpit? Of course he wouldn’t because his ministry was bigger than the scriptures that revealed his conduct before all. Again Swaggert could still teach but not from the pulpit. Swaggert did not know how to take care of his own house. So how would he be able to take care of the church of God? I have a video of this whole Incident which you can view for yourself.

Now Thank We All Our God

Enjoy this classic repeat even though we’re not in November. This is one of several Thanksgiving hymns that churches use over the Thanksgiving holiday. I hope you enjoy this version and that all your family have a very Happy Thanksgiving and a safe one in your journey. now thank we all our God