Why Peter is NOT the Foundation of the RCC: 4

Who in their right mind would want an emotionally scarred foundation for anything? As it stands now that foundation has biblical illiteracy, Satan, fear, and hypocrisy all mixed together creating a true witches brew. Maybe that’s the recipe for those communion wafers that Catholics take?Kent was right when he told me that Peter was to feed the sheep…of Israel. He’s much better in a pastoral setting than as a foundational builder. Peter admits that he had a difficult time understanding Pauline scripture. Paul had a different audience that Peter had. Remember that Peter didn’t even know what the gospel was! Then he rebuked Jesus for promoting that gospel. Christ then told Peter, Get thee behind me Satan. Since the Catholics desire Peter as their foundation it is little wonder why the RCC is full of turmoil presently. The church is battling homosexuality on two fronts, altar boys and seminary students. Worse still is the cover up of this travesty.

Why Peter is NOT the Foundation of the RCC: 3

The shoddy foundation of the Catholic Church is trying to rear it’s ugly head again.

We must use the truth to rebuke sin even among those who are close to us (2:11,14; Lk. 17:3; 2 Tim. 4:2). We must be willing to personally confront sin in those who are close to us (2:11; Prov. 27:5-6; 28:23). We must not fear others around us and allow their influence to cause us to violate the truth of the gospel (2:12,14; Mt. 10:31; 1 Pet. 3:14). Consider how strong fear can be: Peter, on other occasions, stood up for Gentiles (Acts 10:34-35; 11:3,17; 15:6-11; Galatians 2:9), but not on this occasion because of fear.  What kind of foundation has hypocrisy and fear mixed in? Were talking about Peter here. The foundation of the church was not in step with the truth of the gospel? Continue reading “Why Peter is NOT the Foundation of the RCC: 3”

The Way- Part Three

Sadly, the way International brainwashed most of its followers and when they come out they are very confused. Distrust becomes their core value. They are like whitewashed tombs, which appear beautiful outside but inside they are full of hypocrisy and uncleanness. Those are the words of Jesus in Matthew 23. It is also a fit description of the way International. Hughes is a very intelligent man yet he fell into this cult and still defends it yet today! He had the good sense to leave it however it still clings to him. That is what brainwashing does. What else does the way International teach?Have you had enough yet? Later today I will have a Biblical testimony on video of someone who has escaped the way International. I hope Hughes will be listening?

The Way- Part Two

I thought all of you might like to meet Hughes so here he is and he is most anxious to get his story across. Here is some more on the way. Hughes has a way of enjoying false churches. He has experimented with several. He thought the way International was good for him. After all, who would not want to live the Abundant Life? Hughes fit the membership profile perfectly. He knew little about the Bible and enjoys questioning everything. A perfect candidate. Like the way, he feels the Bible has been corrupted over the years and that justifies his way of doing things. Sometimes he reminds me of an I.M. To those not in the know that would be an intelligent moron. And that is exactly what the way is looking for. Hughes thinks he knows everything about the Bible. He got that way through the superb conditioning of the way International. You might call it brainwashing. And one of the marks of a cult is that they are the only true church and the way International conditions their members to believe that. Our friend still believes that today. In our concluding part, I will sum up about the way International.

The Athenians- The Ancient Pentecostals

IMG_20180217_220656 The Pentecostal Church of today enjoys telling and hearing new things which they call extra biblical revelation. In that way they can justify anything as being from the spirit even though the Bible cannot collaborate what they say. That is why the Pentecostal faith is known as the Wild Thing. The Bible says that God is not the author of confusion instead the author of confusion is the Pentecostal Church. They speak in tongues often without an interpreter but the Bible says without an interpreter they are to remain silent. Most often it is women Pentecostals that speak in tongues yet the Bible says let the women keep silent in the church, for I do not permit a woman to speak in church. That is found both in 1st Corinthians 14 and 1st Timothy 2. Let everything be done decently and in order. If the Pentecostal faith actually followed the Bible there would be far less confusion.

The Way- Part One

I have a friend by the name of Hughes. He is a very intelligent man which sometimes trips him up. Yesterday he debated me about the word Tarshish and what it had to do with the Apostle Paul. He attributed that word to Paul. The word he wanted was Tarsus for that is where Paul was from and not Tsrshish. But he persisted and wanted to know what that had to do with Paul. I told him nothing as it related to Ezekiel the prophet. I still don’t think he got the point. Hughes would be a perfect recruit for the way. Hughes knows enough Bible to make him dangerous. We were talking one day about the Holy Spirit and that he convicts the world of sin. Hughes believes only the unbelievers. But that is not what the scripture says for the Holy Spirit was not yet given. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth as I explained that to him. When I asked Hughes to go to a particular chapter of the Bible he needs a glossary. I suppose the Holy Spirit can’t lead him there? The way would love this man. By the way he once was in the way.Perhaps he doesn’t believe in the Holy Spirit because the way does not believe in the Triune godhead. I will have more on the adventures with Hughes in my next post.

The False Prophecies of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

b6f87bd3d9f886e3084e1a6da9b170bd The rabbi Jonathan Cahn has been seen on numerous television programs ever since he wrote the book The Harbinger. He appears almost as a regular on the Jim Bakker Show where host Jim Bakker treats him like the Pope. He has made many prophecies that have not come true. But for those in the New Apostolic movement nearly 80% of their prophecies fail. It’s almost a bad joke how these people abuse their Authority in the gospel.b4381a9990bddbc081579fb9c762f0af Here is another failed prophecy. But to justify themselves they usually find some minor thing going on in the world that they can say happened to make people forget their error. Surprisingly enough, Captain James T Kirk of the Starship Enterprise has a fitting comment about our rabbi to finish this study.capture I feel better now.CHakA4RVEAE-V5S