Abracadabra Pentecostal Churches

I’m sure you seen this featured in many Pentecostal churches. Name it and claim it. Pentecostals say, words have power and you can speak them into existence. That is the new catch phrase in many Pentecostal churches. So what does that have to do with my calling them Abracadabra Pentecostal churches? In Hebrew Abracadabra means about just what the Pentecostals believe. Amazing! But I can already hear the Pentecostals say, exposing Christian error only says that the Hebrew means that. Really?Is that Hebrew enough for you? So Abracadabra Church is exactly the same thing as the Pentecostal Church. They both use a magical word to speak words into existence. Isn’t that what Wiccan do when they cast a spell? They also speak things into existence. Wow! Pentecostal/ Wiccan point of contact connection! Pentecostal churches believe in magic. They are part of the Abracadabra movement. Proof positive!

Why all the Weirdness Today?

A lot of what has happened in Christianity Today is due to this man, Steve Schultz, of the Elijah List. He is ushered in extra biblical revelation, visualization, meditative prayer, and dreams. It would seem that the Elijah List people have become bored with the Bible. And they are not alone. The new Apostolic Reformation, the restored Church of God, the Hebrew Roots movement, and nearly every Pentecostal pastor needs something more than the Bible to attract an audience. That is a sorry state to be in. They don’t seem to believe that the Bible is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. They continually add things into the Bible. Due to the Toronto blessing there is now a oinking like a pig in the spirit, howling in the spirit, and the list goes on and on. Whatever happened to let everything be done decently and in order. Or God is not the author of confusion. I think by now you know who the author of confusion is and they are ghost writing for the devil. Yes indeed we are in the end times.

The Origin of Christadelphians, Unitarians, Belgian Biblestudents, and Jehovah’s Witnesses

Whether they choose to admit it or not Christadelphians, Belgian Biblestudents, Unitarians, and Jehovah’s Witnesses all hold to Arianism.

They take the word of a man over that of Scripture. They have never answered the question of Isaiah 9:6. Jesus there was called the Everlasting father and the Mighty God. Jesus would tell them, In vain they worship me teaching as doctrines the Commandments of men from Matthew 15:9.

They reject the person of the Holy Spirit who spoke verbal words in Acts 13:2. How can a force speak words? We ought to obey God rather than man.

They take the word of man over scripture to their detriment. They wrest the scriptures to their own destruction. They need our prayers to repent and change course before it is too late.

What Does the Bible have to say about Women Clergy?

  TrIn my last post, Joyce Meyers admitted to being a self-proclaimed pastor as her own Ministry ordained her. Just like Jezebel.hqdefaultsa Thus any person should not be allowed to ordain themselves. What does the Bible have to say about women pastors?Bible+Women+Pastors+2Bible+Women+Pastors+4+ComplementBible+Women+Pastors+3Bible+Women+Pastors+1 Now you have the biblical response to women clergy.

Pope Francis: “The Devil Made Us Do It”

It would seem that Pope Francis is blaming the devil for all the sexual molestation charges against the Roman Catholic Church which is causing division within the ranks. That sounds like something comedian Flip Wilson would say. Talk about passing the buck! If the pope is referring to the devil living in the Vatican then he might be right. It is the leader of the papacy that has caused this problem. Cover-ups on a massive scale starting right at the top of the Vatican have cause these problems. The buck stops at the papacy and not at the devil’s door step. The Pope needs to accept individual responsibility for what has happened according to Ezekiel 18. The soul that sins shall die. The Pope, and not only this one, has been covering up sexual molestation of the children entrusted to them for decades worldwide. They cannot shirk their responsibilities to The Altar Boys and Girls of the world and blame it on the devil. If they mean the Devil Within them that could be a possibility because only a devil would cover something like this up. Offending priests tell their children if they tell both they and their parents will be going to hell. That is a monstrosity in and of itself.

The devil today gets too much credit for human inadequacies. Man up Pope and tell it like it is and let the chips fall where they may. Pope Francis needs to resign and move someone into the position that will accept personal responsibility for the actions of the Roman Catholic Church.

Biblestudents are Meat Believers

Are you surprised by that headline? I do believe the Bible students are meat believers. They are full of Boloney. Pastor Russell? Their famed founder? Or should I say flounder?

The bologna Bible students. No that doesn’t sound right. The bologna students. There, that’s better and more to the point. Their own headlines are their worst enemies.

Leviticus and the Law

If your teenage children curse you as parents you are to Stone them according to Mosaic law. Under the law of Moses there was little juvenile delinquency. The punishments were too severe. In all there are over 600 Jewish laws. In fact, no one could keep.the law 100% yet if you broke even one of them, you were guilty of all of them. The law was intended to bring you to Christ. But after Christ came those who would believe in him were no longer under the law according to Galatians. They were now under grace. Galatians 5:4 says, he that is justified by law has fallen from Grace. According to Colossians 2:14, the law of Moses was nailed to the cross. To the body of Christ the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins. Unsaved Jews and Gentiles remain under the law. Accept Jesus Christ into your life now.