The Face of Justice

Habakkuk provides us a pretty dim view of Justice but without Christ in your life you will always have problems finding Justice. It will evade you continually. You see in Christ we have peace. The world tosses us tribulation or troubles and pressures. In Christ we are to be of good cheer because he has overcome the world. Too many believers are come on over’s as they want to become part of the world. Christ told us to separate ourselves from the world but we don’t and Justice never prevails. It is a fact the wicked surround the righteous. When that happens Justice is always perverted. During the time of Christ’s Reign on Earth in the millennial Kingdom there will be perfect Justice. It won’t be blind anymore. It will know where it’s going for Christ will administer it perfectly. Until then we will have to be content with Blind Justice. For that blindness will never disappear until Christ is Lord of your life. So now you know how to get perfect Justice in Christ. Everything else falls to the ground harmlessly.

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